Something prompted this thot usual.
Last week Sunday, we had a longer service than expected in
church. With the children, I am always calculated with timing. However as the
service progressed and it didn't seem like ending soon, I had completed the
lesson for the day in their Sunday school manual (considering the fact that I took
it slowly), I went ahead to play around revising other lessons and still the
service went on. I allowed the kids to tell me stories about their friends and
classmates yet, there was still more time to continue. Honestly I got stuck. Just
when I was thinking of what next to do, one of the kids precisely a girl walked
up to me and said she wanted to teach the class something, hence asking for my
permission. Gladly I obliged. She took the marker went to the board , ruled two
lines, one side for the boys and the other side for the girls and offhand she
started writing equations on the board and asked anyone in the class who could
solve it to come forward. Immediately the first and second equation was solved
and the trend started in favor of one team. Excitement filled the air and for about 30
minutes more I watched the kids solve maths equation like jeez. I no sabi maths
My thots went wild as usual, how many times do we find
ourselves in helpless situations and someone you would have overlooked comes to
the rescue. It happens a lot everyday all the time. We feel we can do it and we still get stuck along the way.
So, the little girl rescued me that day. Did I mention she
is ten years old? Yeah she is very smart. Worthy to mention also
that the girls won. Though it was just a close margin.
My boss keeps telling us every Monday at the departmental meeting
that no man is an island. We all need to assist each other one time or the
other. Not looking down on anyone. My boss usually calls me to proof read letters
he is going to send out, initially I used to be hesitant thinking its gross for
me to tell my boss he made a mistake, but on the long run he made me understand
that there would be something he has overlooked that I will see and if it goes
out of the office the recipient doesn’t refer to who wrote the letter from the
company but would condemn the entire coy. You get the gist? That is an amazing
quality of a leader.
Guilty me, I like doing things my way but aint good enuff. However with age and maturity, I allow people
and if need be to adjust anything I do it without criticizing so much. I have
learnt to start asking for opinions a lot (except in very personal matters cos as regards that I have
written a post read it HERE).
My thots as usual.Feel free to express yours.
More as talk abi?
Plenty stuff happening as usual. Very busy Easter period.
Busy doing what? *sigh*
Chill O! I really need someone to go back to read my post on
“Does it matter what they fink”(remember its as regards personal issues). I could
get to write more about that post maybe a part 2. I got an opinion yesterday from
someone and I realized, I wasn't out to please anyone. I am entitled to my
personal decisions. Deronk, remember your comment on that post.
I am missing my chuchuwawa nephews*hug*
A big hug for Delababe you have been an angel to me in the
past week.
i broke my sugar rule*sobs* nevermind., it was just one day, the sun out there these days na real wa. i felt like i was gonna faint and needed the glucose asap*covers face*
The holidays rushed fast again, just one day left, make the
most of it. I will too.
Almost forgot, Happy Married Life to KunleSeun. Finally!!!!. The day has come and gone. Marital
Bliss Happy Easter, the resurrection Sunday.